A Phenomenological Study of Contexts, Consequences and Adaptations to Divorce among Divorced Women of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 135-180]
ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)
Comparison of the Efficacy of Family Based, Child Based and Family-Child Based Interventions on the Rate of ADHD’s Symptoms in Children with ADHD [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-672]
Assortative Mating
Investigation and Comparison Assortative Mating Theory among Students [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 673-689]
Attachment Anxiety
The Simultaneous Effects of General Factor of Personality and Attachment Dimensions on Marital Quality [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 473-507]
Attachment Avoidance
The Simultaneous Effects of General Factor of Personality and Attachment Dimensions on Marital Quality [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 473-507]
Child Based Interventions
Comparison of the Efficacy of Family Based, Child Based and Family-Child Based Interventions on the Rate of ADHD’s Symptoms in Children with ADHD [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-672]
Cognitive- Behavioral Couple's Therapy
The Efficacy of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Couple’s Therapy (GCBCT) on the Decrease of Couple Burnout [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 247-269]
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) for pregnant Women to Increase Marital Satisfaction [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 583-605]
Cognitive Couple Therapy
A Study of Effectiveness of Cognitive Couple Therapy
On Increasing Marital Adjustment in Married Students [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 317-339]
Communication Patterns
Teaching “Practical Application of Intimacy Relationship Skills” in a Group Format and its Effectiveness on Couples’ Communication patterns in Marriage Threshold couples [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-247]
Communication Patterns
The Relationship between Marital Intimacy, Communication Patterns, and Pursuing- Distancing Behavior of Married Personnel of Kharazmi University [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 447-473]
Context and Consequence
A Phenomenological Study of Contexts, Consequences and Adaptations to Divorce among Divorced Women of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 135-180]
Couples in marriage threshold
Teaching “Practical Application of Intimacy Relationship Skills” in a Group Format and its Effectiveness on Couples’ Communication patterns in Marriage Threshold couples [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 227-247]
Depression Signs
The Effectiveness of Family-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy on Suicidal Ideation, Depression Signs, Family Cohesion and Adaptability of Suicide Attempters [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 185-227]
Distancing Behavior
The Relationship between Marital Intimacy, Communication Patterns, and Pursuing- Distancing Behavior of Married Personnel of Kharazmi University [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 447-473]
Divorced Women of Tehran
A Phenomenological Study of Contexts, Consequences and Adaptations to Divorce among Divorced Women of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 135-180]
Family-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
The Effectiveness of Family-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy on Suicidal Ideation, Depression Signs, Family Cohesion and Adaptability of Suicide Attempters [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 185-227]
Family Based Interventions
Comparison of the Efficacy of Family Based, Child Based and Family-Child Based Interventions on the Rate of ADHD’s Symptoms in Children with ADHD [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 653-672]
Family Cohesion and Adaptability
The Effectiveness of Family-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy on Suicidal Ideation, Depression Signs, Family Cohesion and Adaptability of Suicide Attempters [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 185-227]
Family functioning
The Effectiveness of Retraining Attribution Styles on Dimensions of Family Functioning in Divorce Applicant Couples [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 367-387]
Female and Male
Comparison of Love Dimensions based on Marriage Duration between Men and Women Married [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 47-65]
General Factor of Personality
The Simultaneous Effects of General Factor of Personality and Attachment Dimensions on Marital Quality [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 473-507]
Grounded Theory
Expression of a Conceptual Pattern from the Relations of the Engaging Period Conflicts (before Marriage) by Marital Satisfaction (after Marriage) [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 405-447]
The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Happiness and Hope in Divorced Women [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 297-317]
Identity Crisis
The Investigating of Relationship between Family Cohesion and Parental Discipline with Identity Crisis and Passionate Love to Opposite Sex in Teenage Boys [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 529-551]
Infertile Women
The Study of The Efficiency of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy on the Quality of Infertile Women’s Life [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 387-405]
Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) for pregnant Women to Increase Marital Satisfaction [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 583-605]
IntimacyandMarital Relationship Quality
The Study of the Relationship among Marital Satisfaction, Intimacy and Marital Relationship Quality in Forgiving Married [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 633-652]
Intimacy Dimensions
The Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Increasing Couples Intimacy and Its Dimensions: Implication for Treatment [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 607-632]
The Role of Leisure Patterns in Marital Stability with Mediating Role of Relationship Maintenance Strategies and Marital Happiness [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 339-366]
Comparison of Two Approaches based on Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and a Modified Version of Group Therapy on Early Maladaptive Schemas in Clients in Divorce [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-29]
Marital Commitment
The Prediction of Marital Commitment based on
Self- Conscious Affects (Shame and Guilt) and Self-Differentiation among Married University Students [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 113-135]
Marital Happiness
The Role of Leisure Patterns in Marital Stability with Mediating Role of Relationship Maintenance Strategies and Marital Happiness [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 339-366]
Marital Intimacy
The Relationship between Marital Intimacy, Communication Patterns, and Pursuing- Distancing Behavior of Married Personnel of Kharazmi University [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 447-473]
The Study of the Relationship among Marital Satisfaction, Intimacy and Marital Relationship Quality in Forgiving Married [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 633-652]
Marital Stability
The Role of Leisure Patterns in Marital Stability with Mediating Role of Relationship Maintenance Strategies and Marital Happiness [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 339-366]
Marriage Conflict Resolution Style and Married teachers
Adult Attachment Style as Predictors of Marriage Conflict Resolution Style in Bandar Abbas Married Teachers [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 85-113]
Marriage Conflicts
The Effectiveness of Skills Training to Adjust the Sources of Self-Development on Decreasing the Marriage Conflicts among Women [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 29-47]
Marriage Duration
Comparison of Love Dimensions based on Marriage Duration between Men and Women Married [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 47-65]
Married Teachers
Survey on the Relationship between Moral Intelligence and Religious Orientations with Marital Satisfaction among Married Teachers [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 65-85]
Martial Adjustment
A Study of Effectiveness of Cognitive Couple Therapy
On Increasing Marital Adjustment in Married Students [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 317-339]
Investigation and Comparison Assortative Mating Theory among Students [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 673-689]
Moral intelligence
Survey on the Relationship between Moral Intelligence and Religious Orientations with Marital Satisfaction among Married Teachers [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 65-85]
Mother-Child Interaction
The Effectiveness of Social Problem Solving Training on Mother-Child Interaction among Mothers with Slow Paced Children [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 691-717]
Narrative Therapy
The Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Increasing Couples Intimacy and Its Dimensions: Implication for Treatment [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 607-632]
Narrative Therapy
Comparison of Two Approaches based on Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) and a Modified Version of Group Therapy on Early Maladaptive Schemas in Clients in Divorce [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 1-29]
Parental Discipline
The Investigating of Relationship between Family Cohesion and Parental Discipline with Identity Crisis and Passionate Love to Opposite Sex in Teenage Boys [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 529-551]
Passionate Love
The Investigating of Relationship between Family Cohesion and Parental Discipline with Identity Crisis and Passionate Love to Opposite Sex in Teenage Boys [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 529-551]
Personality Types
Investigation and Comparison Assortative Mating Theory among Students [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 673-689]
Phenomenology Lived Experience
A Phenomenological Study of Contexts, Consequences and Adaptations to Divorce among Divorced Women of Tehran City [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 135-180]
Pursuing Behavior
The Relationship between Marital Intimacy, Communication Patterns, and Pursuing- Distancing Behavior of Married Personnel of Kharazmi University [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 447-473]
Reality therapy
The Effectiveness of Reality Therapy on Happiness and Hope in Divorced Women [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 297-317]
Relational Maintenance Strategy
The Role of Leisure Patterns in Marital Stability with Mediating Role of Relationship Maintenance Strategies and Marital Happiness [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 339-366]
Religious Orientations
Survey on the Relationship between Moral Intelligence and Religious Orientations with Marital Satisfaction among Married Teachers [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 65-85]
Resolving Conflict Strategies
The Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Strategies for Dealing with Marital Conflicts and Marital Satisfaction among Married Students in Tehran [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 507-529]
Self- Conscious Affect
The Prediction of Marital Commitment based on
Self- Conscious Affects (Shame and Guilt) and Self-Differentiation among Married University Students [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 113-135]
Self – Differentiation
The Prediction of Marital Commitment based on
Self- Conscious Affects (Shame and Guilt) and Self-Differentiation among Married University Students [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 113-135]
Self- Regulated Couple Therapy
The Effectiveness of Group Couple Therapy based on Self-Regulated on Emotional Abuse and Martial Distress [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 269-297]
Similarity of Personality
Personality Similarity, the Big Five Personality and Marital Satisfaction [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 551-581]
Slow Paced Children
The Effectiveness of Social Problem Solving Training on Mother-Child Interaction among Mothers with Slow Paced Children [Volume 4, Issue 4, 2015, Pages 691-717]
Solution-Focused Therapy
The Effectiveness of Family-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy on Suicidal Ideation, Depression Signs, Family Cohesion and Adaptability of Suicide Attempters [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 185-227]
The Effectiveness of Family-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Solution-Focused Therapy on Suicidal Ideation, Depression Signs, Family Cohesion and Adaptability of Suicide Attempters [Volume 4, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 185-227]
The EngagingPeriod
Expression of a Conceptual Pattern from the Relations of the Engaging Period Conflicts (before Marriage) by Marital Satisfaction (after Marriage) [Volume 4, Issue 3, 2015, Pages 405-447]
The Sources of Self-Development
The Effectiveness of Skills Training to Adjust the Sources of Self-Development on Decreasing the Marriage Conflicts among Women [Volume 4, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 29-47]
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