Peer Review Process

Semi-annual Journal of family counseling and psychotherapy follows the Double-Blind peer review process of paper evaluation.


Paper Selection and Publication Process

  • After receiving the submission request, an e-mail would be sent to authors. If you do not receive the confirmation e-mail, please attempt to send your file for the second time.
  • Peer review. Both reviewer and author’s identification would be anonymous. The paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers and a member of the editorial board. The review process may take up to 3 months.
  •  Notification of the result of the review will be sent by email and is observed on the contributor's account on the journal's system.

All manuscripts will be subject to a well-established, fair, unbiased review and refereeing procedure, and are considered based on their significance, novelty, and useful to the Journals readership. The reviewing structure will always ensure the anonymity of the referees. The review output will be one of the following decisions:

  • Accept
  • Minor revisions
  • Major revisions
  • Reject
  • After publication, the corresponding author will receive a hard copy of the journal free of charge. If more copies are desired, please contact the manager before making an order.
  • fA PDF version of the journal is available for downloading on the Semi-annual journal of family counseling and psychotherapy’s website.