The comparison of the effect of the couples' participation in psycho-educational sessions of schema therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on marital burnout

Document Type : Original


1 Student of PHD, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate professor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor of counseling, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran


Increasing the level of marital burnout gradually led to involvement of the couples in a stressful and frustrating relationship and eventually leads to weaken the marriage. This study was administered aimed to the comparison of the effect of couples' participation in psycho-educational sessions of schema therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy on marital burnout. The study was quasi experimental with the pretest-posttest design of three groups. The statistical population consisted of all of involved couples in marital conflict that referred to the regions of 1-5 of Tehran's counseling centers, in 2016 that among them 120 subjects were selected using convenient sampling method. Then, 48 subjects (24 husband and wife) with the almost higher level in Pines' Marital Burnout Inventory (1996) were assigned randomly into three groups with 16 subjects (8 couples), two experimental groups, and one control group. The couples of experimental groups participated separately in 12 weekly sessions of 90 minutes of study's interventions and in this period, the control group stayed in waiting list. In all stages, the Pines' Marital Burnout Inventory (1996) was the research instrument for data gathering. The results of covariance analysis indicated that the differences among the groups were significant (F= 200/77, p<0.05). In addition, the result of the Tukey's follow-up test showed that in comparison with the acceptance and commitment therapy, the schema therapy were more effective in reducing the marital burnout and two components of emotional exhaustion and psychological exhaustion (p≤0.001). The findings of this study indicated that the psycho-educational intervention of schema therapy. By creating couples' insight about the causes of the development of cognition, emotion and dysfunctional interpersonal behavior, and how eliminate them was more effective in reducing marital burnout.


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