The relation between Keen connectedness to parents and relatives with attachment to parents and adults


1 Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Background and aim:The aim of the present study was to study the relation between social connectedness, and quality attachment to parents and adults.
Method: In order to accomplish the stated goal, 120 college students were selected by means of random sampling. Adult Attachment Scale, Measure of Childhood Attachment to each Parent, and Scale of Keen Connectedness were given to participants to complete. In addition, Social Connectedness Self report Scale was completed by these students. Data were analyzed by using correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis.
Results: Data analysis showed a significant relationship between different domains of keen Connectedness (offering social support, receiving social support, quality of keen connectedness and support, as well as magnitude and quantity of support) and attachment to parents and adults. Secure attachment to parents was positively associated with keen connectedness, while anxious and avoidant attachments to parents were negatively associated with a keen connectedness. In addition, the domain of being comfortable in a close relationship in adult attachment scale was positively associated with a keen connectedness. Analysis of multiple regression indicated that magnitude of keen connectedness can be predicted by being at ease with intimate and close relationship. Having a close and intimate relationship with significant adults, and partner were also important predictors of qualitative dimension of keen connectedness. Moreover, receiving a social support from keens and members of family were explained by having a secure attachment and being easy with a close relationship.
Discussion: Quality of attachment is an important factor in predicting quality of keen relationship.


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