The Conflict between Job and Family Life in Different Developmental and Educational Stages among Isfahan Gas Employees

Document Type : Original


1 Master student of Measurement and Evaluation of Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology, School of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

3 Master of Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Background and Aim: The current study was administered to investigate the perceived interference of work in family – which concerning family solidarity policies in the world, is one of the most important issues in family field- with special attention to Erikson psychosocial stages and its relation to educational level. Materials and Methods: Statistical community of the current research involves the whole employees of District 2 of gas transition stations of Isfahan (613 persons), out of which 150 persons were selected via stratified random sampling method. Finally 124 employees completed work-family questionnaire (return rate=83 percent). Results: Findings indicate that with the increase of age (according to Erikson psychosocial developmental stages) the employees felt less intrusion of work spillover in their family life.  Also, findings revealed that by with the increase educational level the conflict between work and family intensified. Conclusion: The negative correlation of developmental stages and perceived work-family interference can be explained by personnel’s needs and their accessible resources to satisfy these needs in different psychosocial stages. Also, the positive relation of educational level and perceived work-family interference is perhaps due to increased awareness of family responsibilities or increase of job responsibilities. The conflict between work and family can be resolved by effective management of the needs of different developmental stages and by special programs for highly educated persons. The current research provides concrete justification for this issue.

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