The Effect of Enriching Parent-Adolescent Relationships Based on Emotionally Focused Therapy on Insecure Attachment and Resilience

Document Type : Original


1 M.A in Family Counseling, Department of Counseling, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Department of Counseling, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran .


Background Having a good relationship between parents and adolescents is an essential dimension of adolescent growth. Objective: The research aimed to investigate The effectiveness of enriching parent-adolescent relationships based on emotionally focused therapy on insecure attachment and adolescent resilience. Method: The research method is the single-case trial of multiple baseline designs. The statistical population of the study was (53 people) including all adolescents who were referred to Tolo-e-Omid Counseling Centers in Ahvaz in 1399. The study sample consisted of three adolescents who were selected using a targeted sampling method. The instruments were The Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003) and Adult Attachment Scale (Collins & Read, 1990). The treatment protocol was implemented in 5 sessions. Data were analyzed by visual mapping, constant change index, and recovery percentage.  Findings: Findings showed that parent-adolescent relationship enrichment training led to a 21.07% (21.07) decrease in insecure attachment style and (a 37.07%) increase in first adolescent resilience, (a 19.90)% decrease in attachment style Insecure and (a 29.60) percent increase in resilience of the second adolescent and (28.03) percent decrease in attachment style were insecure and (23.03) percent increase in resilience in the third adolescent. The rate of stable change index showed that insecure attachment and resilience in all three adolescents showed a significant change. The Pi value was (0.05). Conclusion: These results mean that parent-adolescent relationship enrichment training can improve adolescent life and therapists can use this model in working with adolescents to reduce insecure attachment style and increase resilience in Ahvaz.


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