Predicting Marriage Stability Based on Love-Making Style and Sexual Assertiveness by Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence: A Survey Study

Document Type : Original


1 Graduated Ph.D. Student in General Psychology, Department of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur Branch, Neyshabur, Iran

2 Associated Professor of psychology, Department of Psychological Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur Branch, Neyshabur, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of health psychology, Department of clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar Branch, Kashmar, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Department of Education Sciences, Mashhad branch, Islamic azad university, Mashhad, Iran


Background:. Satisfactory marital relationships are an effective tool for creating positive outcomes including physical and mental health in couples and other family members and strength. Objective: This study was done to investigate the relationship between love-making style and sexual assertiveness with marriage stability, by the mediating role of emotional intelligence. Method: The method of research was descriptive with path analysis, and the sampling method was nonrandom and regional/quota sampling. Its statistical population was 753030 married men and women in Mashhad in 2018 (districts 1, 2, 9, and 11 of the municipality) and the sample was 384 married men and women who voluntarily participated in the study after receiving a recall SMS. Applied tools for gathering data were: The marital Instability Index (Edwards, Johnson & Booth, 1983), the Sternberg Love Style Scale (Sternberg R.J. 1986), the Hulbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness (Hulbert, 1992), Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Inventory (90-Item)( Bar-On, 1998). Pearson correlation coefficient, path analysis, and Bootstrap method were used in statistical analysis by using SPSS-23 and AMOS-23 software. Findings: The results showed that marriage stability is predictable based on love-making style and sexual assertiveness by mediating the role of emotional intelligence (P<0.05). Conclusion: Therefore, in couple therapy and family therapy, the relationship between the stability of marital relationships with the mentioned variables is significant.


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