Predicting Marital Satisfaction Based on Emotional Maturity and Attitude to Marriage between Men and Women with Early and Normal Age Marriage

Document Type : Original


1 PhD Student Department of counseling, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad university, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Kharazmi University, School of Psychology and Education, Department of Counseling, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Kharazmi University, School of Psychology and Education, Department of Counseling, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Kharazmi University, School of Psychology and Education, Department of Counseling, Tehran, Iran


Emotional maturity and attitudes toward marriage in men and women have an effect on marital satisfaction and couples relationship. The aim of this study was to predict marital satisfaction based on emotional maturity and attitudes toward marriage in men and women with early and normal age marriage. Using a descriptive method with correlation and regression analysis, a convenience sample of 197 married men and women with a minimum of five and a maximum of 10 years of cohabitation investigated. Data collected by the Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (Olson & Fowers, 1989) Attitudes toward Marriage (Bratton and Rozen, 1998) and Emotional Maturity (Singh and Bahargawa, 1974). Data analyzed using the t-test, correlation, and regression. Findings show that there is no significant difference between the ages of marriage of both genders in the two factors studied (P≥ 0.05). Attitudes toward marriage and one of the components (pessimism) in all four groups predict marital satisfaction. Pessimistic attitudes toward marriage decrease with the age of marriage in all four groups. In general, it can be concluded that with increasing the age of marriage, the attitude towards marriage among women decreases, realistic attitudes, and emotional maturity increases. For men by increasing the age of marriage attitude towards marriage and pessimistic attitudes decrease. As the age of marriage of four group's increases, the percentage of traditional marriages increased and modern marriages decreased.


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