The Effectiveness of Group Attribution-Retraining in Reducing Couple Burnout and Divorce Probability in Divorce-Seekig couples

Document Type : Original


1 Master of Science in Family Counseling, Graduate Student, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 MSc Student, Family Counseling, Faculty of Education & Psychology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahwaz, Iran


Background and Aim: Considering the role of cognitive factors and attribution patterns in understanding of marital relationships, interactions and dynamics, the present study investigates the effectiveness of group attribution- retraining in reducing couple burnout and divorce probability in divorce seeking couples. Materials and Methods: The study is semi-experimental including control group, pre- and post- test.  20 divorce-seeking couples in Iran’s Flawerjan province were selected via purposive samplings and were randomly distributed into two groups of control and experimental.  All the participants completed Marital Instability Index (MII) and couple burnout questionnaire. Then, the experimental group was asked to participate in 8 sessions for attribution retraining. At the end, both groups completed post –tests and results between 2 groups were compared via running independent T- test and multivariate analysis. Results: The results showed that the mean of scores for both post-tests in the experimental group were significantly lower than that of the control group. Conclusion: The findings of this research confirmed the effectiveness of  attribution retraining in reducing divorce probability and  couple burnout and it could be effective for determining  marital- therapy strategies


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