The Comparison of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Thought-Action Fusion between (Divorce Applicant Couples and Normal Couples): with Gender Role Intermediary

Document Type : Original


1 MA in Clinical Psychology, University of Payam-e-Noor, Malekam, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Torbate - Jam,Torbate - Jam, Iran

3 MA in General Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Torbate - Jam,Torbate - Jam, Iran


Purpose: Given the importance of the cognitive emotion regulation and thought – action fusion in  social life, present study compared the cognitive emotion regulation strategies and thought– action fusion between divorce applicant couples and normal couples.
Methods: The present study is of  Comparative researches type,  and to conduct research using available sampling, chosen 30 divorce applicant couples (30 female and 30 male) and 30 normal couples chosen through matching (30 female and 30 male), and, cognitive emotion regulation strategies questionnaire (CERQ) and fusion of thought and action revised questionnaire (TAF-R), have been performed on them and testing hypotheses, used the of two-way variance analysis between groups.
Findings: The results, first of all, have indicated that the divorce applicant couples in contact with negative experience use negative strategies, and normal couples use positive strategies. Also thought– action fusion together all the components except components of the risk and moral TAF, a significant difference has been seen  between the two groups of couples, which at the level of( p<0/05) was significant. And secondly, there has been significant difference between two groups of couples of cognitive emotion adjustment strategies and components of thought– action fusion applying gender factor at the level of (p<0/05). Also F (interaction) with the exception of the (Rumination, catastrophising, acceptance and positive refocusing) Strategies And moral TAF components,  in other strategies and components at the level of  (p<0/05) has been regarded as significant.
Conclusion: It has been concluded that there has been significant differences between divorce applicant couples and normal couples of cognitive emotion regulation strategies and thought – action fusion, the results have shown the significant role of such variables in stability of marriage life.


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