Examining the Effectiveness of Emotionally Focused Therapy on post Divorce Adjustment in Women


1 MA in Counseling, Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences (AJ). Tehran Iran

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Isfahan University. Iran


Introduction:Considering divorce and the factors affecting the way it is come up with, the present study aims to investigate the effect of excitement focused treatment on adjustment after divorcing women in Isfahan.
Methods: The study has a semi experimental with pretest, posttest, control and experimental groups. The statistical population of the study was all divorced women in Isfahan in year 2010 and 30 divorced women under coverage of assistance committee of Isfahan city which were randomly chosen and put in the two groups of experimental (15 peoples) and control (15 peoples). The research tool was a compatibility questionnaire after fisher's divorce (FDAS). Data analysis was conducted through covariance analysis in order to affect the excitement focused treatment on compatibility after divorce. The present study aims to determine the effect of excitement focused treatment on compatibility of divorced women in Isfahan.
 Results: The result of the study was that excitement focused treatment method was affected on increasing the divorced women’s self-esteem. Also, excitement focused treatment (EFT) shows that the rate of release in experimental group is more than the control group. There is a significant difference found between the average scores of the experimental and control groups (P<001).
Conclusion: Therefore considering the findings of the study, it can be achieved that the excitement focused treatment on compatibility, improving the individuals’compability and reducing the negative consequences of divorce and life after it. Considering the results we can find strategies for improving the divorced women’s status in counseling centers and training workshops


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