Assessment of marital self-regulation in Iranian population: Studying reliability, validity and factor structure of Persian version of Behavioral Self-Regulation for Effective Relationships Scale (BSRERS) in couples

Document Type : Original


1 Ph. D in family counseling, Department of counseling, Faculty of humanistic science, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran. Email:

2 M.A in family counseling, Department of counseling, Faculty of humanistic science, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.


Spouses who use relational self-regulation have happier and more stable relationships than the others and the role of this component is much more important than other relational skills. The purpose of this paper is to study the validity, reliability and factor structure of Persian version of Behavioral Self-Regulation for Effective Relationships Scale (BSRERS) in Iranian couples, by descriptive and correlational method and its relationship with  marital quality’. The participants were all couples living in Sanandaj, whose children were enrolled in elementary schools in the academic year of 2016. Using randomized cluster sampling, 832 people (416 couples) were selected among the parents who were willing to cooperate.  First, the questionnaire was returned in Persian language. To obtain a detailed picture of a guideline study on 40 couples from the research community. In this study, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.77 and 0.71, respectively for two factors of the questionnaire (relational self-regulation and relational activity). Participants completed BSRERS, Locke-Wallace Short Marital-Adjustment Test (LWSMAT), Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS), and Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ). Using confirmatory factor analysis of a two-factor model (relationship self-regulation and relational activity), questionnaire was fitted with the two factor structure suggested by scale constructors. The reliability of relational self-regulation factor and relational activities was estimated by Cronbach’s Alpha, Guttmann method and Split-half Spearman-Brown's Split-. In order to study of gender and the relationship of relational self-regulation aspects among couples, a structural model was used. The results showed that there’s a significant relationship between relational activities with the aspects of marital quality (p<0/01). The results show the fitness of factor structure, validity and reliability of BSRERS to assess marital self-regulation among Iranian couples. This questionnaire could be used as an influential tool in self-regulation assessing in marital relations in clinical and consultative or research conditions.


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